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Local news 30.3.2023 20:00

“Friends and having fun are a part of the purchase” 

The music school is aspiring to be even more student-oriented and to support the cultural sustainability in the area. 

The headmaster of the music school, Petri Vainiotalo, naturally spends his free time playing French horn. Kuva: Heli Lehtelä
The headmaster of the music school, Petri Vainiotalo, naturally spends his free time playing French horn. Kuva: Heli Lehtelä
Vilja Vartia, oppilastoimitus (suomenkielinen alkuperäisteksti Heli Lehtelä)

Even the smallest choices can affect your whole life. For example, Petri Vainiotalo is now the headmaster of Huittinen music school, but the spark for playing the French horn was lit in a 9-year-old boy by strange motives.

The uniform for Rauma boy band was so fine that I wanted to join. And I chose the French horn of course, because it is the essence of chamber music, and it’s the best instrument.

Playing together is fun. I still play the French horn at Loima band and a few wind quintets.

The story of the headmaster and the French horn is now 38 years old. We can say that he is a textbook example of what the music school is aiming for: to give the students a lifelong love for music.

Friends and having fun are a part of the purchase. This year the kids are performing a hilarious production, Kanalasta kajahtaa.

Lauttakylä-lehden ja Pellonpuiston koulun yhteinen oppilastoimitus kääntää poimintoja viikon lehdestä englanniksi. Tiivistelmän on kääntänyt 7.-luokkalainen Vilja Vartia. /The student editorial of Lauttakylä newspaper and Pellonpuisto school makes some translations from weekly paper into English. The English summary was was made by 7th grader Vilja Vartia.

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